Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thing 15

     The most interesting idea that I found out about the wiki concept, was the fact that each member could edit the document(s) and even add their thoughts to it.  Having everyone visit one wiki and work on the same document did seem to bring things together better than regular email.  This is definitely something that I will use in the future with students, parents, and other teachers.  Create a wiki, allow members, create a document, and revisit the document from time to time.  It doesn't get much easier and efficient than this. 
     I could create a wiki for my students and their parents, and use it much like we have used it in this technology class.  It could incorporate important dates, weekly topics being discussed, due dates for work assignments, field trip dates, etc.  This would allow parents or students to post their ideas about what is going on in the class.

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